Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sieg Heil, y'all!

In case you were not aware of it, there are Nazis in the country music industry. Strange place for them I know but there it is. This is something I got irritated by a while back but I am just now getting around to writing about. I have a lot of those lined up in the back of my head, so be prepared.
About the Nazis. Remember the Dixie Chicks? They had the nerve to criticize the second dumbest man in politics (GW thanks God for Dan Quayle every day...) publicly. "Well, Hell, Bubba, we cain't have that! (Sound of tobacco juice missing spittoon) That there's just plumb un-pay-tree-ottic!"

So, summing up the above, the corn pone idiot industry pulled the DCs record because they spoke out about what they believe in. "Great Horny Toads BillyBob, we cain't let 'em git away with that! Criticizin' ol' Dubya, where they think they at, Russia?!"

Hello?? Any active neurons in there?? This is America! We have freedom of speech! The Constitution (long word boys, I know, read slow, OK?) guarantees freedom of expression. If it didn't, half the sub-moronic crap that passes for country music would be savagely repressed. The DChicks are smart, making them an oddity in their profession, and they pay attention when they are out and about in the world. We are not liked out there and the current regime is to blame for that situation. They are allowed to comment on that. Censoring them for it is the work of tyranny, something we as Americans should fight against, not support.

Nazis. In the country music radio industry. They are there, even if they think "Gestapo" is some kind of fancy Eye-talian soup. The Dixie Chicks are now my favorite country music artists.

It amazes me that the Dixie Chicks get slammed with that sort of crap while brainless no talent hicks like Toby Keith can, from what I have heard, use terms like "raghead" without catching any hell for it. Sorry, but if there is truth in that, then he's a racist, and that's wrong. It has nothing to do with patriotism or supporting our troops or anything like that. The entire Arabic population of the world did not attack us, a bunch of extremists did. We have extremists in this country too, but they don't represent all of us, and I can't stand them either.

So good on the Dixie Chicks, good on free speech, and fuck off to the country music industry. Hope the swastika looks good on your big-ass belt buckles.

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