Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Super Bowl For The Dumpster

This has got to be the worst Super Bowl ever.
Last year we had a feel good story. A great team, with a great personality, and class, beat another team that was similar. You may not have wanted the Colts to win, but you couldn't really dislike them.
This year, well, we have everything that last year wasn't.
Let's start with the Giants. There is no reason anyone should ever root for any sports team from New York. A city that thinks its the only one in the world, most of whose teams have more money than anybody else (at least football has the salary cap) and an attitude suggesting it's their god-given right to win the title every year. New York is arrogant, and I hate arrogant. Top that off with Eli Manning. Sorry, but the elder brother got all the class in the family. Spoiled brat rotten kid refusing to play for the team with the right to draft him, oh yeah, Archie, you showed you were pretty classless as well. New York deserves Eli.
Now, moving on to New England. Last year Indy showed the world the classy side of excellence. This is the flip side. Arrogant, superior, sneering, cheating bullies. Belicheck breaks the rules and doesn't think he needs to answer to anyone about it. He runs the score up on teams without apology. His father was a coach, Navy I believe, and by all accounts an honorable man to whom sportsmanship meant something. How embarrassed for his son would he be. Again it's the arrogance thing. I hate that, and I despise Belicheck for the way he conducts himself. Tony Dungee and his starry-eyed, simplistic fundamentalism is infinitely superior to Bill's act.
So there's no one to root for in this year's contest. How do you sit and watch a game where the only good outcome can be a scoreless tie where everyone on both teams breaks a leg.
Enjoy the commercials.

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