Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sieg Heiligevater

Pope Benedict is an absolute moron. I cannot believe the shit this guy talks. Has he figured out what millenium we live in? If you haven't seen the article then read this:

Utter nonsense. What next, is he going to announce a crusade? I can't wait for the excommunicatons to start. Benedict has put organized religion back five hundred years.
He can say "oh yeah, we're the descendents of the apostle Peter" all he wants, but the truth is that the Patriarch of Rome won a power struggle between the heads of the five original patriarchates; Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. That was what made the Pope the Boss. Not some direct line to God. Read your history. If he is the heir of Peter, well, I don't remember any stories from the Bible about Peter wearing ermine and satin. Is this what comes of having a Pope that served in the Hitler Youth? Cassock and jackboots? Will the flock enter the confessional only to hear from the other side of the screen "Ve haf vays of makink you talk!"?

So in an age of growing ecumenical behavior the Pope decides to put the rest of the world in its place. "We can talk and cooperate with other branches of Christianity, as long as they know we are the real church, not them." This from the head of a denomination that has made up so much of its theology and practices it makes one dizzy. It's about power and control, which is what the heads of the Hebrew church were about when Jesus was around. He came to bust up that system; up with compassion and down with rules. Then once he was gone here comes another uber-structured power-hungry hierarchy and most of his message got lost.
Hey Benedict, if God is up there he's up there for everyone, and he doesn't give a shit about your pointy hat.

Nice job Pope. Way to focus on things that matter. Gonna take your ball and go home?

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